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List of services

Department of Finances



Preparation of contract (reference) of the equity participation of building customers in the creation and development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure


Trade Department 



Approval of location to carry out a one-time trade


Approval of location to carry out a one-time trade


Approval of operation mode of the entity (when working till 22.00 p.m. (for trading facilities, services, recreation and entertainment) from 23.00 p.m. (for institutions of restaurant industry)


Approval of operation mode of the entity (when working from 22.00 p.m.till 8.00 am. (for trading facilities, services, recreation and entertainment) from 23.00 p.m. to 8.00 a.m (for institutions of restaurant industry)

52/04 Approval of arrangement summer trading platforms 
52/05 Conclusion of the contract on the right of temporary use of certain elements of accomplishment of municipal property for placement of temporary structures and summer trading platforms for conducting business activities 


Department of State Land Agency in Ivano-Frankivsk


81/01  Issuance of information certificate from the State Land Register 

Issuance of a list of restrictions on the rights to land and existing land servitudes  

81/03 Issuance of extract from the technical documentation on normative monetary evaluation of land 
81/04  Issuance of decision on approval of land use documentation
81/05 Providing the reference from state statistical reporting on the availability of land and its distribution by landowners, land users, land (according to the Form 6-zem)
81/06 Issuance of information from land management documentation that is included in the local fund of land use documentation


Department of Registration and Distribution of Housing


33/01  Registration of people for domiciliary and registration of citizens who wish to enter the building society and deregistration
33/02 The transfer of premises (rooms) in the city dormitories to the citizens ownership
33/03 Taking people on social flat register by place of residence
33/04 Registration of citizens, wishing to get the land for individual building
33/06 Providing citizens who are on the housing register by their place of residence at the city executive committee with residential premises
33/07 Approval of decisions of enterprises, institutions and organizations for providing employees with the official residential premises
33/08 Excluding the residential premises from official ones
33/09 Registration and re-registration of citizens in the city hostels
33/10 Allow the re-registration of the renting agreement
33/11 Exchange of residential premises
33/12 Reservation of residential premises 
33/13 Providing people with housing in connection with the demolition of a residential building 


The transfer of small families hostel in public ownership
33/15 Approval of joint decisions of administrations and the trade union committees on taking citizens on housing register by the workplace
33/16 Providing the information reference about staying on the housing register at the city executive committee by the place of residence and at the Building Society 
33/17 Providing information reference about staying on the register of people wanting to get land for individual construction 
33/18 Adding people to the register of persons who wish to participate in the program of construction (purchase) of affordable housing
33/19 Providing with a warrant to isolated apartment after renovation of premises 
33/20 Re-registration, amending and renewal of documents in registration case 


Department of public utilities, transport and communications 


41/01  A survey of housing on conformity to health standards and recognition to be suitable for living 
41/02 Production of certificate of ownership to the dwelling 
41/03 Issuance of permits to city carriers  
41/04 Allowing the removal of green plantations
41/05 Transfer to the balance of external networks 
41/06 Providing with permits for disconnection residential buildings from network of central heating and hot water in Ivano-Frankivsk 
41/07 Allowing the renovation and / or redevelopment of residential and non-residential buildings in residential and public buildings 
41/08 Approval for placement of bus stop complex 
41/09 Issuance of duplicate of certificate of ownership


General Department


72/01  Issuing copies, excerpts from Mayor orders, decisions made by the City Council and the Executive Committee for the past 10 years
72/02 Provision of the extract from the minutes of the City Council session for last 10 years


Children Care Service


62/01  To allow juveniles conclude agreements on behalf of minors to purchase (granting) to their name, the contract on termination of the right to child support due to the transfer of ownership to real estate
62/02 Establishment of involvement the parent who is living alone in a child's upbringing
62/03 Providing with the permit to conclude on behalf of the adult the contract of purchase and sale (gift, exchange) of housing, which is used by children (joint ownership)  
62/04 Providing with the permit to conclude agreements by juveniles on behalf of the minor of alienation of housing, owner (co-owner) of which they are
62/05 Providing with the permit to conclude agreements by juveniles on behalf of the minor of alienation of property (non-residential buildings, land, vehicles, etc.), owner (co-owner) of which they are 
62/06 Establishment of guardianship (custody) of the children 
62/07 Providing juveniles with the permit to conclude agreements on behalf of minors for their registration and re-registration
62/08 Provision of conclusion on the possibility of formation the foster family and placement of the child in it 
62/09 Registration of people wishing to adopt the child
62/10 Provision of conclusion on whether the adoption meets the best interests of the child


Department of State Migration Service in Ivano-Frankivsk


85/01  Registration of place of residence, place of stay
85/02 De-Registration of place of residence 
85/03 Issuance of passport of citizen of Ukraine for the first time
85/04 Gluing to passport of citizen of Ukraine photos when reaching the 25th and 45th age 


Department of Land Relations of Executive Committee of the City Council


34/01  Concluding, continuing, renewal of, making amendments in and termination of land lease agreements, land sublease contructs, additional agreements to lease contracts. Termination of contracts of personal servitude use of real, ideal share of land, personal terminable servitude for placement of temporary buildings. Sale of land plots of municipal property to individuals (citizens)
34/02 Preparation of the contract of: land lease, land sublease agreement, an additional agreement to lease land, the payment of advance installment as payment for land to be sold to the owner of real estate.
34/03 Preparation and issuance of the certificate of termination the subsidiary farming in Ivano-Frankivsk, or certificate of withdrawal from this farm 
34/04 Permission for the drafting of land plot development project (including the land plot the purpose of which is changing)
34/05 The conclusion of land sublease contracts, additional agreements to land lease contracts. Amendments to the decisions of the City Council (due to a mistake), termination of, amendment to the land lease agreements, land sublease contracts, additional agreements to land lease contracts, termination of contracts of personal servitude use of real, ideal share of land, personal term easement for placement of temporary structures


Department of Family, Youth and Gender Policy of the Executive Committee


61/01  Issuing of certificates of parents and child from a large family 
61/02 Continuation of validity of certificates of parents and child from a large family
61/03 Issuing the duplicate of certificates of a parent or child of a large family in the case of its loss
61/04 Gluing a new photograph in the certificate of a child from a large family in case of reaching the age of 14 
61/05 Issuance of reference on that by the place of registration of a parent certificate of the father or mother or the child from a large family was not issued 


Department of City Planning and Architecture


31/01  Providing with a permit for installation (continuing a permit for location) of temporary trading buildings for conducting entrepreneurial activity 
31/02 Provision of building passport of land plot development


Providing information reference from urban cadastre
31/04 Provision of urban conditions and restrictions of building of the land plot 
31/05 Provision of the permit for the promotion 
31/06 Providing the information reference about booking of postal address 
31/07 Provision of permit for installation of temporary remote structures 
31/08 Provision of the permit for placement of touring advertisements and advertising of goods and services exhibitions
31/09 Provision of the permit for placement of light art and spatial advertising compositions (neon, light cord) 
31/10 Appropriation (amendment) of the postal address 
31/11 Allow placement of art-dimensional arrangement (green plantations, fitocompositions, etc.) that are used as advertising media 
31/12 Giving a permit for placement of graphic (laser) projection installation
31/13 Approval of land use documentation 
31/14 Providing with the information reference on compliance the intentions regarding the location of temporary structures 
31/15 Approval of passport for summer trading platform
31/16 Approval of the project of information signboards on the monument of cultural heritage
31/17 Providing with a permit for placement of outdoor advertising 


Department of Organization and Information Work and Control


71/01  Providing with the permit to create the community self-organization body (house, street, quarter, territorial committee)
71/02 Registration of the community self-organization body (house, street, quarter, territorial committee)



Графік роботи

Центр надання адміністративних послуг
(м.Івано-Франківськ, вул.Незалежності, 9)
без перерви
ТП та ВРМ ЦНАП у м.Івано-Франківську
(вул.Галицька,124-А, вул.Івана Павла ІІ, 4,
вул.Гетьмана Мазепи, 185, вул.Отця І.Блавацького,1)
СБ, НД, державні свята
вихідний день
в населених пунктах Івано-Франківської МТГ
СБ, НД, державні свята
вихідний день


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